Photo of Christy M. Hall
Effective Criminal Defense Since 1998

Driver taken into custody on suspicion of seventh-offense OWI

According to a press release, a man was taken into custody on suspicion of seventh-offense OWI by law enforcement officers. Wisconsin State Patrol DeForest Post officials say that they received a complaint at 11:11 p.m. on July 26. The complaint was about a gray SUV that had almost crashed and could not maintain its lane along interstate 94 close to Cottage Grove.

On Hahn Road, a trooper stopped a gray SUV that matched the description in the complaint. The driver exited the vehicle and allegedly attempted to run away from the scene. In a short period of time officials were able to locate the driver.

Once the driver was located by law enforcement officials, he submitted to a blood test and was then transported to the Dane County Jail. The driver was taken into custody on multiple charges including suspicion of resisting and obstructing an officer, possession of drug paraphernalia, possession of THC, seventh-offense OWI, deviating from a designated lane and possession of open intoxicants in a motor vehicle, according to the media reports. If convicted, this driver might face severe penalties including prison time and fines.

In Wisconsin, the penalties for OWI are strict, and repeat offenses can result in increasingly high fines, up to $25,000 for a seventh offense, prison time and the loss of driving privileges. The consequences of a conviction can affect an individual’s ability to work and drive. A driver who is faced with multiple charges, or a multiple-offense OWI, may want to speak to an attorney with a background in criminal defense. An attorney may be able to explain the legal process and present defense options to a defendant.