Photo of Christy M. Hall
Effective Criminal Defense Since 1998

Strong Defense Against Solicitation Charges

Law enforcement agencies are becoming more and more aggressive when it comes to making arrests for the solicitation of a minor. This is especially true for online cases, where people who are acting undercover may pretend to be a minor in an effort to catch people who are frequenting chat rooms and other online forums. A criminal conviction for this type of charge carries serious consequences, and may include prison time and required registration as a sex offender, a stigma that can follow a person for the rest of his or her life.

With so much at stake, experienced legal counsel is a must. At the Law Offices of Christy M. Hall, LLC, clients who have been charged with such a sex offense will work with an aggressive attorney who knows how to protect their rights. Christy M. Hall has been providing criminal defense representation to people throughout southeastern Wisconsin since 1998. It is important to act quickly in these types of cases in order to build a strong defense against damaging criminal charges.

Attacking The Evidence

Many people feel that it is entrapment to pose as a person who is underage in order to arrest an individual. However, the legal definition of entrapment is a bit more complicated than it seems. Christy M. Hall thoroughly reviews every case that she takes on in order to help her clients decide on the best option for moving forward. If an entrapment defense does not appear to be in her client’s best interest, it is possible to raise a number of other defenses that are designed to help get these serious charges reduced or dismissed altogether.

Contact A Criminal Defense Lawyer In Racine For A Free Consultation

Remember, the prosecution has the burden of proving intent when it comes to charges involving the solicitation of a minor. Christy M. Hall will not make their job easy. To schedule a free initial consultation, call 262-822-3187 or send an email.