Photo of Christy M. Hall
Effective Criminal Defense Since 1998

The benefits and downsides of prescription drugs

If you suffer from chronic pain or another adverse health condition, you may be thankful for prescription drugs. Wisconsin doctors and others throughout the nation often prescribe narcotics to help alleviate pain or other medications to treat numerous types of ailments that might otherwise impede a person’s ability to function or enjoy life.

The problem is the highly addictive nature of many prescription drugs. No one is immune from possible addiction when taking such drugs and those who tend have addictive personalities may be more at risk than others are. Misusing prescription drugs can lead to substance abuse as well as serious legal problems.

Drugs that often lead to addiction

You might be able to take a particular prescribed medication and suffer no adverse health effects or addiction problems. Another person might take the same drug and not fare so well. The following list includes drugs most often associated with substance abuse problems as well as criminal charges:

  • Stimulants: Adderall, Ritalin and other amphetamines are among the prescription drugs doctors often use when trying to help patients increase energy and alertness. However, such drugs can cause breathing difficulties, increased body temperatures and other problems.
  • Opioids: Drugs, such as morphine, codeine and Oxycodone are strong narcotics. They are opioid drugs said to help alleviate pain. Heroin and Fentanyl are synthetic, street versions of opioid drugs.
  • Central nervous system depressants: Such drugs reportedly have calming effects on those who take them. A doctor might prescribe a CNS drug to help treat insomnia or another nervous condition.

Have you ever offered your friend a pain pill that came in a prescription vial intended for you? Doing so or taking a pill someone gives you for which you do not have a prescription can lead to serious legal problems. It can also create health issues or lead to substance abuse and addiction.

When your problems get out of hand

If you need help overcoming prescription drug addiction, you can tap into local resources to enter the program of your choice. You would definitely not be alone in your struggle. There are similar support systems in place to assist anyone facing legal problems related to drugs as well.

People make mistakes and suffer from issues that they find too challenging to overcome on their own. You don’t have to feel alone if you are struggling with drug abuse or are facing criminal charges related to your addiction.